Hundreds of records connected to disgraced ex madam/girlfriend to one world’s most prolific pedophiles are about to be released publically. Ghislaine Maxwell’s personal affairs, including her and Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with the Clintons, have been ordered unsealed by a federal judge. Keep in mind that this is the woman who had a front-row seat at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and was invited to the White House on several occasions while Bill Clinton was President. Is there once again nothing to see here or is there something far more diabolical going on??

It bewilders me how many close friends the Clintons had who were convicted pedophiles, and yet they claim to have known nothing??

On August 10, 2019, disgraced Deep State businessman and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein “allegedly” committed suicide in jail while awaiting trial, sparking speculation over his demise, which is an all too common occurrence, especially for anyone who is about to testify against the Clintons.

On Thursday, Judge Loretta Preska ruled that documents relating to Maxwell’s private affairs should be disclosed within the next two weeks. The judge in the case does not believe that it would hinder Maxwell’s case for a fair trial.

Maxwell’s legal efforts to thwart requests for her financial information from Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who sued Maxwell for defamation, will be among the documents made public within two weeks,

The documents are part of a batch of evidence that Judge Preska is slowly releasing from Giuffre’s defamation action against Maxwell, which he brought in 2016 for branding her a liar.

Giuffre claims that when she was 16, Maxwell recruited her and led her to Jeffrey Epstein, where she was raped and mistreated repeatedly by Prince Andrew, which he, of course, denies.

Giuffre’s defamation case was settled in 2017, but the documents are progressively being unsealed in response to requests from the media outlet.

Judge Preska said it did not convince her by Maxwell’s contention that “continued unsealing of these records implicates her right to a fair trial in her upcoming criminal prosecution,” which is set to begin in November at the hearing in federal court in New York.

Maxwell’s tax returns, and financial statements for firms she owned, including the TerraMar Project, Maxwell’s non-profit company, are also being sought by Giuffre’s lawyers. Every aspect of Maxwell’s money from the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative would be included in the records.

While it is unclear whether the Clintons will be directly implicated in the documents, more information will become available after they are opened.

After they arrested Epstein in July 2019, Bill Clinton’s contact with Maxwell and Epstein was made public. Bill Clinton’s name is listed on Epstein’s flight logs twenty-seven times, and he was caught getting a neck massage from Chauntae Davis, a victim of Epstein who served as a flight attendant on the infamous “Lolita Express.” Hillary and many other famous names are also on those flight log manifests.

Other records to be opened, according to the Daily Mail, relate to a request for information about an “undisclosed email account” Maxwell allegedly kept secret from the court in violation of a court order to provide it up.

According to Giuffre’s lawyers, “Ms. Giuffre is aware of two email addresses that appear to be the email accounts defendant used while Ms. Giuffre was with defendant and Epstein from 2000 to 2002.” “Defendant has denied using those accounts to communicate, but she has not disclosed or produced papers from the account she did use to communicate during that time.”

Some of Maxwell’s personal communications with Epstein have already been made public, and they show the dead pedophile instructing his confidante to keep her head up high and quit acting like a “convict” after she was accused by Giuffre in 2015.