Former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) believes that President Joe Biden will be forced to resign or face the 25th Amendment due to questions about his mental capacity to remain in office.

The report goes that Jackson, who held the position under both Obama and Trump, is concerned about Biden’s capacity to serve as president.

On Thursday, he told Fox News, “Something’s going on here.” “And I’ve been saying it’ll only get worse, and guess what? I was right. That is now taking place directly in front of our eyes. And I’m at the point now where, you know, I’ve gone from warning people that we should be worried about what could be going on to now saying, “Hey, what’s going on right now?”

Those who raised concerns about former President Trump’s mental acuity were also chastised by the Texas Republican.

“Where are the people in our academic medicine who were calling for a cognitive test for President Trump? What happened to these people?” Jackson inquired.

He went on to say that Biden would either be forced to retire or legislators will invoke the 25th Amendment due of issues with the president’s mental capacity, according to Jackson.

He added, “There’s something serious going on with this man right now.” “And you know, I think he’s either going to, they’re either going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now, or they’re going to have to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical reasons. Right now, there’s a lot of serious things going on.”

Biden is “lost,” “confused,” and “can barely put a coherent sentence together,” according to Jackson, who posted a footage of his interview on the network.

It’s worth remembering that last month, Jackson and 13 other Republicans signed a letter to President Obama claiming that Biden has exhibited symptoms of mental illness and should undergo a cognitive test to prove otherwise.

They stated in the letter, “Unfortunately, your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past 18 months.” “We encourage you to follow in President Trump’s footsteps by taking a cognitive test as soon as possible and making the results available to the American people.”